Sunday, February 25, 2007

MAC OS feature presentation

How to convet PS to TIFF, PS to ASCII using GhostScript

Install gs854w32-gpl.exe in C:\

(By Default it will install in c:\program files: Change this to C:\ )

SET path C:\gs\gs8.54\bin in Environment variables

Properties of My Computer à Advanced Tab à Environment Variables à

Download GOBatchGS to

Convert GS to PDF, PDF to TIFF, PDF to JPG, PDF to PNG and several formats

In command prompt we have to paste this command

To convert PS to ASCII Format

c:\gs\gs8.54\lib\ps2ascii d:\samplesfiles\ d:\samplesfiles\waterfal.txt

To convert PS to tiff format

C:\gs\gs8.54\bin\GSWin32c -sDEVICE=tiff24nc -r72 -sOutputFile=D:\samplefiles\waterfal.TIF -dNOPAUSE d:\samplefiles\ -c quit